Monday, 4 June 2012

Winter Colors: Maroon

I am BACK! Its that time of the year again...mid-year exams and there is no end to the studying and read up on things and if you are like me doing research on almost everything so I can get a better understanding of what I am studying, you will have no time to do anything I have not been hibernating...

I have been missing from this blog though and I am feeling a bit disconnected. I haven't even been looking at fashion magazines that much lately. *shocker*

This post is the start of and I am going to try and get back to the swing of things, do as much as I can before I have to hit the books again.

One of my favorite things about this season is the colors and my favorite for this week has to be maroon. Its warm, and its very "easy" and feels like part of nature.

Here are some ways you can incorporate the trend into your wardrobe:


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